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Senin, 02 Februari 2015

Best Books for our Little Lovebugs

Tonight at bedtime, as I sought to get past one of those days that makes me suspect that people are correct when they say that three years old is harder than two, I pulled Toddler X onto my lap for some bedtime reading. Hoping to reconnect and calm him before he fell asleep, I reached for one of our "I Love You books" (a category I explained in my post about Building a Toddler Library).

As I opened up I Love You Through And Through, I saw my mom's writing inside the front cover -- "To my darling _____, love on your first Valentine's Day, Gramma and Pops." Grandma X's notation made me smile for a whole host of reasons -- maybe the biggest of which is the degree to which she understands me. Want to get my son a present for Valentine's Day? No chocolates, no stuffed animals, no little do-dads -- get him a book, please, and a sweet one at that!

After reading the book to Toddler X -- and promising that I loved him "yesterday, today and tomorrow too," notwithstanding his current antics -- it struck me that a list of sweet, loving books for toddlers might be a nice addition to the blog. These would be great Valentine's Day gifts (sugar free!), or just snuggle-inducing bedtime reading any time of year.

I'll start off with my current favorites and a few I've spotted in stores and want to buy, and then I'd love to hear YOUR suggestions.

Please note that this post contains affiliate links. If you do choose to buy these books (or anything else sold by Amazon), I'd greatly appreciate you using these links. You can find more information on the right sidebar of the blog. Thank you!

Our Favorites


You Are My I Love You: Oh, how I love this book! I can barely get through it without choking up. The rhymes and images are beautiful and evocative, as the daddy bear perfectly sums up the parent-child relationship on page after page. A total winner.

Guess How Much I Love You: Toddler X loves this book right now, and I always have. No matter how many times I read it (and I have read it a lot), I still get tears in my eyes at the last line. It's such a perfect wind-down to the day, and as it's usually our last book of the evening, those final words are often among my final words of the day to Toddler X. I like to think they send him off to dreamland feeling pretty confident that he's adored.


I Love You, Stinky Face: Such a cute, clever book. Toddler X loves the creative pictures (especially now, in the "Why?" stage -- "Why are they eating bugs? Why does he need a bigger toothbrush? Why? Why? Why?"), and I love the sweet question and answer format. (Reader Mindy voted for this one too!)

I Love You Through And Through: Aww. This book makes me smile. It was Grandma X's first Valentine's Day present for Toddler X (and the book that triggered this post), and it's just so darn cute. Toddler X loves following the illustrations of the bear on each page as he reacts to his owner's moods. This is a great one for younger toddlers, as it goes through body parts and moods and builds vocabulary (but still cute to read with the older ones!). (Reader Lisa chimed in with this one as well!)


Snuggle Puppy: This has been one of my favorite books since Toddler X was an infant. I used to sing it very softly and quietly, almost like a lullaby. Now it's more of a boisterous celebration of my love for my (very boisterous) little snuggle puppy, with lots of really long "ooooooooooooohs" and a thorough snuggling. However you sing it, though, it's a fun way to let your little one know you love him or her. (Readers Rina and Kelly agree -- this was their suggestion too!)

On the Night You Were Born: It's kind of funny to put these two side-by-side, because they couldn't be more different in style -- while Snuggle Puppy is silly and fun, On the Night You Were Born is peaceful and lovely. I've gotten this book for so many new moms, as it's so beautiful to read to a newborn, and gains even more meaning as a child grows up. I only have the board book link here, but this is one you may want to buy in hard cover -- you'll be reading it for many years.

Hug: Talk about a great book for pre-readers! If your toddler can manage to remember "hug", "mama" and "Bobo", he or she can "read" this sweet book -- which Toddler X loves to do all the time. I love talking to him about how sad Bobo is when he can't find his mommy -- it's a great chance to build some empathy into that little toddler psyche.

And a cute story: when we were in Disneyland in December, I saw a little boy who had gotten separated from his mom and had started to cry. I handed Toddler X off to my parents and got down on my knees with the little boy to comfort him, while Mr. X looked for the mom or a staffer. The mom, of course, appeared in a matter of moments, scooped him up and all was well, but Toddler X was really upset by the whole thing and kept asking what had happened. I told him that the little boy had gotten separated from his mama and was sad, but that I had helped to make him feel better until his mama could be found. Upon hearing that, Toddler X's eyes lit up, and he said, "Like the elephant in Hug!" Yep, he compared me to an elephant -- but just that once, I took it as a compliment. :)

Books on our "To Get" List


Hug Machine: This is the book I posted about a few weeks ago -- I was so excited when I found it that I just had to share! Toddler X will be opening this on Valentine's Day morning...which is also, conveniently, his birthday!

How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You?: We've really enjoyed all the books in the "How Do Dinosaurs...?" series (the illustrations and rhymes are fantastic!), and this is the next one I plan to get.


The Kissing Hand: I picked this book up a few weeks ago, and was shocked -- shocked! -- that I had never read it before. Talk about a book that is right up my alley! I can't wait to have this on our bookshelf and in our "I Love You book" rotation! What a beautiful story for any child/parent who have to be separated for any amount of time -- for a few hours at school, for a week-long business trip, whatever. Definitely one to get if you don't have it already.

Two Hands to Love You: Another really sweet "I love you"-themed bedtime book -- it's never a bad idea to remind your child how loved and supported he or she is, and this book does so in a very sweet way.

So, there you have our current favorites and our soon-to-be favorites too!

Now, for our readers' picks:

From reader Leslie: Mama, Do You Love Me?I Love You: A Rebus Poem and Are You My Mother?


From reader Kim: I Love You Because You're You

From reader Laura: I Carry Your Heart With Me

From reader Yathuna and reader Megan: Love You Forever

From reader Jill: The I LOVE YOU Book

From reader Louise: No Matter What

From reader Catherine: Love Monster

Time to add YOURS to the list -- please let me know by commenting here or on the Facebook post if you have any special "I love you books" that you love to read with your little Valentine!

Happy Valentine's Day from our family to yours!

Best Books for our Little Lovebugs Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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